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Tanbrite Company Limited aggregates agro commodities from smallholder and medium scale farmers at fair prices and processes them by cleaning, sorting, packing, and marketing. We help smallholders to meet the standards and requirements of modern markets by ensuring high quality products and access to market. Tanbrite supports farmers to improve their productivity through increased access to markets and enhancing their competitiveness..

Value addition is an essential part in the value chain. The company works to ensure that commodities are being processed by cleaning, sorting, packing, sourcing and quality control to maintain and increase its value. Grading and packing of fresh fruits help maintain fruit quality.

Value addition through processing of agricultural crops has not only created more employment opportunities and income but it has also increased value of our agro commodities for the export market. The pattern of growth of our economy is influenced by the transformation of the agricultural sector through value addition of primary products, thereby influencing investments in industry and service sectors.

We provide a wide range of agriculture commodities to world markets. Our networks and services enable us to maintain a strong position in the agriculture trading market and provide the best prices and services to our customers. Tanbrite is engaged in selling of agro commodities to local and foreign buyers. We work with importers and exporters of different sizes from within and outside the country supplying high quality agriculture products.

Our aim is to be at the leading edge of consultancy advice

Tanbrite Company Limited provides agricultural, environmental and business related consultancy services to the agricultural business community. We also offer customized consultancy services around agro business to policy makers, investors and organizations. Our mission is to build a better future for small and medium scale farmers in Tanzania by providing markets guarantee for their crops. We work alongside our clients to anticipate industry disruptions, innovate, apply a unique point of view on agricultural trends and opportunities, and build proven, successful business models.

Our company’s goal is not only to conduct business as a profitable organization with integrity and fairness but also to contribute to society with good ethics and understanding of society’s needs. To create an impact, Tanbrite provides consultancy related services in conducting

  • + Feasibility study
  • + Research
  • + Due diligence and
  • + Policy analysis